KingRoot Chinese version, you should be able to root your Samsung, Snapdragon, Mediatek and almost any android devices easily and even without the use of PC.

Make sure your device has at least 50% battery level.
Backup all phone data including contacts, messages, applications, etc.
Make sure your phone has internet access throughout the timeless rooting process

Step 1: Download KingRoot APK (link provided below), in your android devices

Step 2: Go to Settings > Security > and check “Unknown Sources” ON to allow us to install third-party apps.

Step 3: Install and Launch the downloaded Kingroot app and you should see the large green circle with some Chinese inscriptions on it together with “Root” all centralized, as can be seen in the image below;

Step 4: Tap on the big green circle to commence the rooting process.

Step 5: Then wait as your device is being rooted (Make sure your internet is ON).

Step 6: Next, the moment you see a white tick on the green circle, just know that rooting has been completed. It will also have a blue bar beneath it. Tap on it and you will see KingUser application!

Step 7: Next, reboot your device to make it more stable. (do it although it is not required)

Step 8: You can now check your device menu and you should see KingUser app installed which now gives you root access and an indication that your device was successfully rooted. This application is like a SuperSU Root Management.

Step 9: Hurray! Your phone has just been rooted. What a timeless process!

What’s New In v4.1.?
Sony Xperia Z3 and amsung Galaxy S6 are supported now.
Sony , ZTE , LG and Huawei devices added to support list.
Better Lollipop Support
Now Supports Lenovo K3 Note !!

Root Has risks and May void Your WARRANTY.
Appdesert.tk is not responsible for any bricked Phones or anything that happens to your Phone while performing this procedure.
Do this at your own risk



If the latest version doesn’t work for your device. Try the older Versions below


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